Friday 20 January 2012

Yamunotri Dham

by S Roy Biswas Upload a photo
Perched at an altitude of 3030 meters at the lofty Kalind Parvat, Yamunotri temple at the holy banks of River Yamuna is one of the four dhams in India. Originally built in the 19th century, this temple has been destroyed due to natural calamities twice. Dedicated to River Yamuna, the presiding deity is portrayed in the form of a silver idol bejeweled with garlands.

Though the holi darshan of the temple needs a tiring trek of six kilometers through frenzy routes, each year shows an increasing graph in the number of pilgrims. The trudge from Hanuman Chatti to Yamunotri is very pleasing with striking visions of number of cascades. Above all, the routes are spotted with Ratnajot, which is a type of herbs very useful in eye ailments. Moreover, one can immerse oneself in the lush greenery of walnut, apricots, and chestnuts.

The popular belief is that a holy darshan in this shrine fetch one with good fortune. The offerings in the shrine are the boiled rice and potatoes that are cooked in the hot waters of Surya Kund. To lodge, the pilgrims have very limited options and they have to satisfy themselves with the amenities of the small Ashram’s and guest houses in the temple premises.

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